Tuesday 30 November 2010

Magazine Front Cover - Final

After careful consideration about our magazine front cover , as a group we sat down and looked through old magazine front covers such as "Empire", by looking at "Empire" we could establish a key theme between the main character infront of the magazine and the theme of the magazine background. This enabled us to see how the main character and the magazine layout both interlink, when anaylsing this magazine we came up with themes of our own and we tried to show a link between the magazine front cover and the trailer. After we planned out this we started sitting down and designing the front cover, whilst thinking about the strapline , title and picture we completed the final magazine front cover which is showned above...

Poster - Final

As you can see below we were choosing between two poster styles. However we have now decided to go with the second poster. We chose this poster because as we looked at other film posters such as "One missed call" and The "Uninvited" it showed us conventions such as the name of the starring character and a big main image. Through this I learnt that looking at other horror poster and what they typically include it will give me a good basis for making our poster to a good standard. The poster includes various things such as who it is starring, the title of the film and the certification. This in itself sets is above the other poster we were considering because it shows more about what the film includes rather than the colours it contains.
The final production of our poster is situated above...

Saturday 20 November 2010

Poster Choices

After taking pictures for our poster , we narrowed it down to one picture but two poster styles.
We done two poster styles to show the choices we were considering. Below are the two choices we were considering. The first picture was our first style choice, we decided to do this poster like this because we wanted it to contain everything that a usual poster has included in the movie rating e.g. 5 stars. However the poster did look a bit to busy and therefore you couldnt really focus on the main image which should be the main attraction. So we therefore did another poster , which is the 2nd picture, this one was done in much more detail but it was subtle and included what we thought would attract the audience and be rated much more as a poster than the other one.

*Click on the pictures to enlarge it - to view it better*

Thursday 18 November 2010

Photoshoot Still Shots

As we are assigned to do a magazine front cover and and poster we decided to take a lot of pictures to give us a variety of shots. This gave us a wide range pictures to choose from and therefore we could see what our audience thought of our pictures and we could pick what pictures were more suited.

Above is a slide show to show the extra pictures that we took while shooting our photoshoot for the magazine front cover and poster. After looking at all the pictures we narrowed down the selected few.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Film Production Still Shots

Above is the slide show that I put together showing still shots of our filiming process. I decided to take still shots so that any clips we do not put into our trailer we can show through the still images. Although some of the pictures above are not ones we used in our trailer or for our magazine or poster front cover , I thought it would be significant to put it in the slideshow to show the decision we made as a group on what images to add to our final production.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Start of Production - Magazine Front Cover , Poster and Trailer

After doing my research and planning *which is situated below* it was time for me to start doing my production work which consists of 'Magazine Front Cover' , 'Poster' and 'Film Trailer'. So all the above posts will have my still shots from filiming , audience feedback and the final productions of my coursework. After all that I learnt from Research and Planning hopefully will help me get a better understanding of what my final production should include, from all the class work and group work to individual work, I have grasped what is needed to make a successful trailer and poster.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Evaluation of Research & Planning

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Above is a presentation I made on powerpoint and then put onto slideshare to discuss the process of what I have learnt through doing my research and planning. It answers questions about what I have learnt throughout this process. Through doing this presentation I could focus on all that I tried to do to make my final production have all the key concept it's suppose to have , this was enabled through the target audience profile , research into horror genre and planning my horror trailer concept I feel that it has given me a good basis to complete my final production to a good standard.