Tuesday 13 July 2010

A2 Process - Blog Research

Research into previous blogs
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Above is my slide show presentation which I done to show previous years' blogs and what they done to get the grade they did and what I could do to get a better grade. The blogs in the presentation are 3 different types of horror blogs. One of which is a blog which shows very good layout out technique and also it is well organized. The second blog shows how to connect blog and social networking websites together e.g Facebook and YouTube. Lastly the last blog shows a good standard of research into horror posters and magazine front covers. By me doing this it has giving me a greater understanding that all 3 blogs can help me in my coursework and all 3 blogs have things I will like to add to my own blog. 

Thursday 8 July 2010

My Preliminary Task - The Meeting

When it was time to do my preliminary task we saw other preliminary task like the one below to give us an idea of what to expect.
During my preliminary task I went through each stage of the video via story boarding. I gathered my ideas e.g camera movements and camera shots and tried to put it to practice to create a video. Below are screen shots and the actual video that I and my group produce to see what would work and what we could improve on.
This shot is a close-up shot of Hollie's feet. This shot was done to create an effect to which to we not see Hollie's face until she is shown in a close-up. Close-ups are shots that show whoever is watching a more of a better view than if it was a long shot. The intentions for a close-up was done to create an suspicious effect to whom was walking up the stairs. The other two shots below are also screen shots from the actual film below.

This shot is a long shot of me , Melissa and George. This shot was done to create the effect that we were looking directly into the camera , however the camera was actual on the floor being titled up towards our direction. The shot was done to sho us connecting with whoever is watching the movie.

After completing my preliminary task we presented it to the class and got helpful feedback from my classmates. The preliminary task I felt was beneficial as it taught us many lessons such as:
  • Never hold the camera , always put it on a tripod as it gives you better shots and steady camera movement
  • The preliminary task also helped me know the understanding of continuity editing. It showed me how to get better footage if it flowed and looked more reality.
Feedback Lesson:
After completing my preliminary task it was presented to the class in which we got feedback on what we did well and what we could improve on. The feedback lesson was very helpful as I and my group were able to discuss what we did and our class mates told us what they would have done. Peer to peer feedback is very effective on teenagers as we are more likey to listen to our peers. The overall verdict of our preliminary task was to improve on our editing and have a variation of shots. This feedback will indeed help me to do better on my actual final horror trailer.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Research into Previous Years Preliminary Task

The research that was done into last year preliminary task was done to give me an idea into what stages they did to understand the concept of editing and camera movement. A preliminary task is done so you understand how to do the actual production properly without no gliches.

The video above is from last years preliminary task. I chose to put it on as an example for what they did and why a preliminary task is done. As you can see this was done as a test try , it is only a short film and was done to give an idea of what your final product should have - it helps you undestand the camera movements better when you do a preliminary task.

Monday 5 July 2010

Introduction to A2 Media Coursework

Hello My Name Is Vanessa , I will be conducting a portfolio which will be posted on my blog and will consists of
  • The production of a film trailer
  • A film poster which promotes the movie
  • The front cover of a film magazine , which will market my film.
I will be working with 2 other classmates who will help contribute to everything mentioned above. We will be sharing different roles in the project so we all have a valuable input into what the final product should/would look like.
This is Chantel's Own personal blog: horrormovietrailer55.blogspot.com
This is Melissa's Own personal blog : melzhorror.blogspot.com

Sunday 4 July 2010

Process from AS Media to A2 Media

When I completed my Music Magazine from AS I had learnt so much technical skills which will help me in my A2 Horror Trailer. In the beginning of my A2 lessons we had a guest speaker come in who goes by the name of Pete Fraser. He talked us through the process of getting out of the AS stage and into the A2 phase. Through this we were told to do an 'Island' which would represent the process from last year to this year
Through doing the 'Island' it helped me understand the things that went wrong last year that I could improve on this year, things such as Photoshop and Blogger. The 'Island' represents the stage from AS to A2 Media. The bridge shows the 'climbing' over process that I had to undertake to get to where I am now , e.g. the photoshop process and the 'learning how to blog' process for the first time. This prepared me mentally for what was to come ahead in A2 which would be my Horror Movie Trailer , Magazine Front Cover and Poster Advertisment.