Thursday 8 July 2010

My Preliminary Task - The Meeting

When it was time to do my preliminary task we saw other preliminary task like the one below to give us an idea of what to expect.
During my preliminary task I went through each stage of the video via story boarding. I gathered my ideas e.g camera movements and camera shots and tried to put it to practice to create a video. Below are screen shots and the actual video that I and my group produce to see what would work and what we could improve on.
This shot is a close-up shot of Hollie's feet. This shot was done to create an effect to which to we not see Hollie's face until she is shown in a close-up. Close-ups are shots that show whoever is watching a more of a better view than if it was a long shot. The intentions for a close-up was done to create an suspicious effect to whom was walking up the stairs. The other two shots below are also screen shots from the actual film below.

This shot is a long shot of me , Melissa and George. This shot was done to create the effect that we were looking directly into the camera , however the camera was actual on the floor being titled up towards our direction. The shot was done to sho us connecting with whoever is watching the movie.

After completing my preliminary task we presented it to the class and got helpful feedback from my classmates. The preliminary task I felt was beneficial as it taught us many lessons such as:
  • Never hold the camera , always put it on a tripod as it gives you better shots and steady camera movement
  • The preliminary task also helped me know the understanding of continuity editing. It showed me how to get better footage if it flowed and looked more reality.
Feedback Lesson:
After completing my preliminary task it was presented to the class in which we got feedback on what we did well and what we could improve on. The feedback lesson was very helpful as I and my group were able to discuss what we did and our class mates told us what they would have done. Peer to peer feedback is very effective on teenagers as we are more likey to listen to our peers. The overall verdict of our preliminary task was to improve on our editing and have a variation of shots. This feedback will indeed help me to do better on my actual final horror trailer.

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