Saturday 16 October 2010

The 5 S's - Script

In our trailer there will be hardly and talking as we would like to keep it snappy and attracting to the audience. So because of this decision we made we decided to only let the reporter in our trailer speak about the 'killings' that will take place. So therefore the script below is only written about the reporter - which will contain overlapping voices of other reporters to create a sinster effect.

Reporter 1: (After the Dark room shot) * Woman's Voice* " Im standing just infront another YET gruesome murder. Last night another murder was committed at 11.54pm. A girl was brutly killed, she was thought to be ...
Reporter 2- *Speaking over* *Womans voice* "Another murder at 11.54pm another girl was kille left with no identification of who she is , she was thought to be...
Reporter 3- *Speaking over* : A woman was walking her dog when she found a girl covered in blood , it seemed that she been left here for quite some time , she was thought to be...
*VOICES ALL TOGETHER* : "Some are saying this is a massacre!!!!!"

(Example of a script)

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