Thursday 7 October 2010

Research Into Location - Relating to Our Concept

When researching into locations that slasher horror films use we notice a consistant pattern of a dark mysterious HOUSE in the middle of no where , this was seen in 'The Strangers' , or either woods which is very sterotypical as a horror location, this was seen in the film ' The Blair Witch Project' , there are many typical locations that are used in horror films for example a school when watching a teen based horror movie such as 'Prom Night'.

However there was one film that stood out from the rest that caught our eye which was 'Scream' , as 'Scream' was set in the cinema and we find that this a non-typical idea , something we like tob go with. So by weighing out all the locations that slasher horror films have we decided to not use any typical locations but to mix and match with locations.

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