Wednesday 13 October 2010

Midnight Massacre 2 - The Synopsis

After researching plot lines / synopsis we were able to come together and discuss how we would like to write our synopsis so it doesnt give anything away , like most slasher horror films do.
Typical synopsis consists of killer always looking for a victim , or it starts of all 'jolly' then it hits rock bottom and someone gets killed - this was seen in 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. However in
'Wrong Turn' the synopsis was different , it was written straight from when someone got killed then it explains the rest of the plotline which then shows it all 'jolly'. This is something you wouldn't expect as it is a horror movie. So after researching all of this we knew that we had to make ours stand out but still keep it the conventions of a horror movie. Below is our OWN written synopsis of our film.

Midnight Massacre 2 - The Return of the MASKCARADE:
Returning to finish off what she started , The Midnight Masscare killer is back , but her final victim is proving to be harder than she thought.
Anne Hisburg is a returning sociopath , with a undiscovered moral behind her killings but what could she really be hiding? She has set out to kill off her victims one by one as soon as midnight strikes. Her last but by no means least victim proves to be more than she can handle , after hunting her down for a year she finally gets close enough to finish what she started , but with her prey being a more complicated case , there are unexpected consequences for her and her victim. Who says the killer can't be the victim?

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