Wednesday 15 September 2010

Analyzing Trailers (Let Me In)

Whilst watching the trailer , it is only 2mins 8seconds into it that we are presented with the name of the film. This could be done to keep the film in suspense , keep the viewer guessing to try and figure out what names could fit with a trailer like this. Also when the name is presented to us it is only shown for 4 seconds which doesn't allow much time to process what the name is or why the name was giving. I think this was done for a reason, to continue with the suspense of the movie. This is definitely what we call a teaser trailer.

When watching the trailer we are told who is starring in the film. Many trailers do this for the mere reason to let the audience know more about the film in their trailer. It is also done because saying who is starring in it can also make more people want to watch it , as some audiences like to watch films were they can watch their favourite actor/actress play a role on screen. This earns the film some 'brownie points' and is always good for the film press release.

In the 2min trailer we see quite a lot of action whether it be from trying to catch someone or kill someone, there is a variety shown in this 2min trailer. Below are some snap shots I have taken from the trailer itself to show the various shots of action the trailer shows.
The shots above were ones of which I captured from the actual trailer. All the shots show different type of action that was shown in the 2min trailer. All the shots distinctively show some aspects of a horror movie, rather than an actual action movie. Just by looking at the background in some of the shots instinctively tell you that it is a horror movie. If I were to compare these shots to shots which are done in an actual action movie there would be more differences and less similarities.
The music in the film is very dark and sinister, which tells us what type of film the trailer is advertising. The music in the background plays a very significant role in letting the audience know what type of category they want this film to come under. Once again referring back to action movies, you are less likely to hear dark , sinister music in the trailers of such films because this may make the audience wonder is this a horror or an action movie. So sound/music determines what type of film the producers want us (the audience) to categorise their film under.

>> Click on the link to hear examples of typical horror music

Examples Horror Music

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The speed from the trailer is very different than watching it from the actual film. This could be because the trailer is picking out the best bits to show , so it has to work through it rather quick than it would have in the actual film. The speed of what we see starts of at normal speed with various slow 'blinks' to go to another shot. However when the action starts to appear in the trailer the speed rapidly alters to a quicker speed and we see fast shots and flashes across the screen to emphasise the action.

*Slow speed* * Faster speed* * Faster speed*
In the last frame of the trailer we are presented with the directors and actors/actresses name. Doing my research on other trailers this is a similar occurrence in which we see who is directing the film or who is being featured in the film at the last frame. This may be done so you can focus on watching the actual trailer rather than focusing who directed it or who is in it , that could be the reason why it is shown to us right at the last minute so it can either be a surprise or just to keep you watching the trailer until you are shown who director or will feature in such a movie.
After watching the trailer for 'Let me In' and looking at the poster for the film , I have come to an conclusion that the trailer is much more effective in making me watch the film. The trailer gives me a much greater insight of what to expect , it doesn't give too much away (which is always a good thing) and it also draws you in to make you want to watch it. However the poster would be effective for someone who likes to guess what the film is about by working out their own conclusions about it. Posters can show you what trailers can. Its like deciding what better moving images or still images? They both have their purpose but moving images give you something to work with whereas still images give you something to work for (work out what it is about).

Whats better Poster or Trailer?

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