Tuesday 28 September 2010

Applying Recognisable Conventions of Trailers

In order to apply the recognisable conventions of trailers , in groups. we came up with the idea about how to market and promote film called ' Bloodshed High'.
When we were assigned this task to conduct a presentation (which is below) about how we would market the trailer for the film 'Bloodshed High'. As a group we storyboarded our trailer ideas and put our presentation together to try and market our trailer idea.

As a group we decided to spend a fair amount of time discussing how we would go about pitching our idea. We decided to go against the typical horror genre and we decided to add some comedy into it. We decided this because most horror films mainly focus on the kiling and dark scenes. However we decided to do a Scary Movie type film , so we decided to add some comedy to go against typical horror sterotypes. We decided to set the trailer in cabin/forest type place in which most of the trailer will be set , so it doesnt give away any other ideas we were planning - what we like to call a teaser trailer. This location goes well with our storyline , however no one will know what our storyline is. We decided to use soundtracks from well known horror/thriller films so it is iconic to the audience who watches it.

Also because many well known films have a USP , we decided to make our USP the fact that our film is ab mixture bewteen comedy and horror. As a group we decided to use well known actors to feature in our movie , preferably ones that have featured in previous horror movies. One actor we decided to go with is Megan Good , we decided to use her because she was in a well known horror film 'One Missed Call' and she will be recognizable to certain audiences , also she her presence in the film will automatically bring her fans to watch 'Bloodshed High'.

When it was time to discuss our soundtrack for our trailer , my group decided to go with a well known track that was used in the well known film 'Twilight' by Lupe Fiscao called Solar Midnite. We decided to use this because the soundtrack has an good strong beat that creates tension when hearing it.

After planning our presentation for our trailer and actually doing I learnt alot of things from it. I learnt that trailer are not movies. By this I mean that when advertising a trailer we shouldnt give the whole storyline away in it , this goes against the whole concept of what we known as a 'Teaser Trailer'. Also I learnt that audience expectations and production companies are key and vital. It is always good to give the audience what they want in terms of a good movie , this will provide the audience with a good basis to come and watch the movie. Also a well known production company at the start of the film is very good in getting certain audience members to watch the film , as come audiences like to know who is sponsering the film (production company) before they watch it. After learning all these key points from planning and doing our presentation , it is easier for me to know how to apply these when it comes to my actual production.

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