Saturday 11 September 2010

Class Based Research (2) - Whats more important words or images?

When looking at posters for films there is either an image on it or words - or if your lucky both!
But you'll never have neither. So the important question is what's important words or images?

Having words on a movie poster is very cruical in trying to sell that poster to an audience. Words let you think for yourself, it allows you to make up your own mind of what the film is about since there is no image to help you (this could be a good or bad thing). However most posters that just have words on it have their intention , the main idea could be to leave the audience in supsense until they actual view the film.
It could be seen as a problem if a movie poster just has words on it and no image. This could turn into a negative for advertising your poster as certain audiences would actually PREFER that the poster they are looking at had images on it, they would rather see what type of film it may be by just looking at the poster whereas words can't give you that straight foward information.

Having images on a movie poster put that particular poster at a great advantage. Images on posters always gives a wider idea of what the film will be about and who is in it. Also when passing by a poster the image is the first thing that stands out for most people. When looking at an image you get a full picture, when looking at words you will have to figure out a full picture in your mind.


So overall after weighing out the pros and cons , it is clear to see that in my opinion images are more important when referring to movie posters. Having images on a poster gives the film a better understanding and therefore means people would like to see it.

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