Friday 17 September 2010

What is Horror?

All the below entries on my blog are all related around horror. But none of them actually describe what the horror genre is. So what is horror?
Below are the words I think are associated with horror:
I've watched a lot of things that seem like horror , in other genres – crime and suspense fiction, dark thrillers, but I saw them as distinct and separate genres. I'm suggesting that do we re-classify anything scary as horror? I don't think so, but what I am suggesting, is that maybe we have been thinking of horror in very narrow terms, keeping it firmly within the realms of the supernatural, when maybe the dividing lines between horror and other genres are more blurred. A film concerning serial killers which focuses on fear, has elements of both horror and crime/suspense.
This suggest that maybe we shouldn’t be looking at horror in the strict terms of the supernatural, but we should widen our criteria. I suggest that two types of horror exist - supernatural horror, and a horror which is not supernatural, but based around the horrors of our real world – hate, murder, cruelty, both are equally valid. There are many types of horror type movies that people relate too .
Gore horror will give a person chills and be repulsed by what is being seen or read. Old horror goes beyond a physical reaction to the deepest part of the mind--the part that believes that there are demons hiding in the shadows, creatures that we can only begin to imagine; old horror will make you believe that the danger you see or read is real and is the kind that will scare you enough to have a night light on or be safely in bed before all lights can be turned off; it will make you think twice about stepping out of your warm home into the dark of the night're no longer sure that there isn't anything out there that will hurt you.

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