Tuesday 21 September 2010

Audience Feedback - What Makes You Come and See a Film?

To get a better understanding of what makes people want to watch films , whether it be horror, comdey or a soppy rom-com , I decided to go out of my way to go up to people and ask them what makes them want to watch films - All the feedback is recorded below.

Audience Profile:
Name: Harry-Anne Stokes
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
- I decided to ask Harry-Anne what she feels makes her intrigued to watch a film and as seen above the video states that the trailer is the main part in her decision to make her want to go out of her way to watch a film.

Audience Profile:
Name: Asma
Age : 16
Occupation: Student
- I asked Asma what she found more appealing when deciding to watch a film the poster or the trailer , her answer is recording in the video above.

Audience Profile:
Name: Rema
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
- I asked Rema what she found more appealing when deciding to watch a film the poster or the trailer , her answer is recording in the video above.

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