Sunday 19 September 2010

Synopsis Research

All the synopsis of the films above has various things in common. In the three synopsis they all have children in it that have a relation to evil or the devil. The movie synopsis will give you the basic plot details without giving you all of the different types of information that would ruin the movie for you. I looked at 3 synopsis (which are above), which are from the films 'Let Me In' ,'The Last Exorcism' and 'The Hills Have Eyes'. I looked at what the three synopsis have in common and noticed they both firstly involve a lot of youth. They feed off the innocence of young people and make them become the Antagonist.They also involve an Protagonist that seems to be a "Mystery" person.They films both involve murder and both show before the film gets heated and the killings start there is some background information as to why the killings start to happen. They both involve someone has done something to another person and revenge is being seeked to teach them a lesson.
By researching horror film synopsis , I have learnt what it takes to write a synopsis that doesnt give too much away of the story line. However because I am not writing a synopsis for my horror film , instead I am doing a trailer , I can still use the idea of the synopsis to help me create a short trailer that has all the elements of a synopsis that doesnt give anything away.
Click on the link for more horror film synopsis >>

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